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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
Discussion / troubleshooting / Unable to play online w 5g
~ΠΠysterious•Soul~ 2/23/2024 3:35 AM
I've had this issue for a couple of weeks and haven't found any solution on the net.. I've searched every where.. Problem: Can join online servers for a few seconds jus to see a hung up screen w all players still, after which I get removed from the server. I've even updated my operating system (I'm Android player btw) to most recent (this was supposed to be the solution to my problem but it didn't work). Idk for sure if this issue is from bombsquad Or my net cus it only creates problems while playing bombsquad. All other apps work perfectly with 5g.
/home/era/gmt+3:30 2/23/2024 10:04 AM
the issue is either: 1. bombsquad (probably not) 2. the server(s) you play on (maybe) 3. your network (probably) i recommend u to run some network tests (in settings>advanced) and paste the result here i also recommend u to try playing on different servers with the same network and see if the problem happens on all of them. if it does, then try playing with a different network from a different ISP (maybe try a friend's connection) and see if the issue persists
~ΠΠysterious•Soul~ 2/23/2024 10:50 AM
Alright thanks
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